Plea Agreements in Procedures Before International Criminal Courts

Autor: Matko Pajčić, Marin Bonačić
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
Volume 71
Issue 2
ISSN: 1849-1154
DOI: 10.3935/zpfz.71.2.05
Popis: Sporazumi o priznanju krivnje između tužitelja i okrivljenika, na temelju kojih se okrivljenik potvrdno očituje o krivnji u zamjenu za neki ustupak od strane tužitelja, izvorno su nastali u pravnim sustavima angloameričke pravne tradicije. Iako prvotno nisu bili predviđeni, ti sporazumi javili su se i pred međunarodnim te internacionaliziranim kaznenim sudovima. Do toga je prvi put došlo u postupku pred Međunarodnim kaznenim sudom za bivšu Jugoslaviju u trenutku kada je Sud bio opterećen velikim brojem predmeta s jedne strane, a s druge strane pritiskom da ubrza postupke i završi s radom. U daljnjem razvoju iskristalizirala su se dva temeljna modela: sporazumi pod utjecajem angloameričke pravne tradicije te sporazumi pod većim utjecajem kontinentalne pravne tradicije. U radu se razmatraju temeljna obilježja tih dvaju modela te njihove sličnosti i razlike. Uz to, razmatra se i usklađenost sporazuma s ciljevima međunarodnog kaznenog pravosuđa.
Plea agreements between prosecutors and defendants, under which a defendant pleads guilty in exchange for a concession by the prosecutor, originated in the legal systems of the Anglo-American legal tradition. Although not originally envisaged, these agreements have also appeared before international and international criminal courts. This happened for the first time in the proceedings before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia at a time when the court was burdened with a large number of cases on the one hand, and pressure on the other to speed up its proceedings and complete its work. In further development, two basic models crystallized: agreements under the influence of the Anglo-American legal tradition and agreements under the greater influence of the continental legal tradition. The paper discusses the basic features of these two models and their similarities and differences. In addition, the compatibility of the agreement with the objectives of international criminal justice is being considered.
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