Endocrine disrupting effects induced by levonorgestrel linked to altered DNA methylation in rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus)

Autor: Jianghuan Hua, Biran Zhu, Wei Guo, Xianfeng Wang, Yongyong Guo, Lihua Yang, Jian Han, Bingsheng Zhou
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicologypharmacology : CBP. 257
ISSN: 1532-0456
Popis: Progestins are worldwide environmental contaminants, however, their ecotoxicological risks and underlying molecular mechanisms of effects are not fully understood. In this study, newly hatched rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus) larvae were exposed to environmentally realistic concentrations (1 and 10 ng/L) of levonorgestrel (LNG) for 6 months. The sex ratios were not affected by LNG at both concentrations, but the growth was significantly inhibited at 10 ng/L while promoted at 1 ng/L. Histological analysis revealed impaired gonadal development. Plasma concentrations of estradiol in females and testosterone in both sexes were significantly induced after exposure to 1 ng/L LNG; plasma concentrations of 11-ketotestosterone were markedly increased in females exposed to 10 ng/L LNG and in males exposed to both concentrations of LNG. The transcription of cyp19a1a was significantly up-regulated in ovaries exposed to LNG at both concentrations, while cyp17a1 was down-regulated in testes exposed to 10 ng/L LNG. The global DNA methylation level was significantly decreased in testes exposed to 10 ng/L LNG, which might be associated with inhibited spermatogenesis. Gender-specific changes in CpG methylation patterns were induced by LNG in the 5' flanking region of cyp19a1a, with hypomethylation in ovaries but hypermethylation in testes, which was linked to the regulation of cyp19a1a transcription. The results suggest that LNG could induce endocrine disrupting effects in fish at environmentally realistic concentrations, which may be linked to altered DNA methylation. This study indicates potentially high ecological risk of LNG to fish populations, and warrants researches on regulatory mechanisms of epigenetic modifications in progestin-induced effects.
Databáze: OpenAIRE