Frequency of Perseveration in Normal Subjects

Autor: Nancy Helm-Estabrooks, Kathryn A. Bayles, Amy E. Ramage, Robyn F. Cruz
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Brain and Language. 66:329-340
ISSN: 0093-934X
Popis: Although perseveration is a recognized sign of disturbed brain function, it also occurs in normal individuals. Determination of the frequency of perseveration in normal subjects would enable clinicians to use perseveration as a marker of possible pathology. The purpose of this study was to document the extent of perseveration in normal young and older subjects. Thirty young normal individuals between the ages of 20 and 35 years and 30 older normal individuals between the ages of 60 and 75 years were given four tasks on which perseveration has been reported in brain-damaged individuals. Four percent of all responses were perseverative. No age or gender effects on frequency were observed. Of the four neuropsychological tasks, the Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test elicited the greatest number of perseverations.
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