Alterations in the Topology of Functional Connectomes Are Associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Blast-Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Combat Veterans

Autor: Anna S. Ord, Jared A. Rowland, Emily E. Rogers, Jennifer R. Stapleton-Kotloski, Sarah L. Martindale, Katherine H. Taber, Dwayne W. Godwin
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: J Neurotrauma
ISSN: 1557-9042
DOI: 10.1089/neu.2020.7450
Popis: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common condition in post-deployment service members (SM). SMs of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan also frequently experience traumatic brain injury (TBI) and exposure to blasts during deployments. This study evaluated the effect of these conditions and experiences on functional brain connectomes in post-deployment, combat-exposed veterans. Functional brain connectomes were created using 5-min resting-state magnetoencephalography data. Well-established clinical interviews determined current PTSD diagnosis, as well as deployment-acquired mild TBI and history of exposure to blast. Linear regression examined the effect of these conditions on functional brain connectomes beyond covariates. There were significant interactions between blast-related mild TBI and PTSD after correction for multiple comparisons including number of nodes (non-standardized parameter estimate [PE] = -12.47), average degree (PE = 0.05), and connection strength (PE = 0.05). A main effect of blast-related mild TBI was observed on the threshold level. These results demonstrate a distinct functional connectome presentation associated with the presence of both blast-related mild TBI and PTSD. These findings suggest the possibility that blast-related mild TBI alterations in functional brain connectomes affect the presentation or progression of recovery from PTSD. The current results offer mixed support for hyper-connectivity in the chronic phase of deployment TBI.
Databáze: OpenAIRE