Developing an Abundance Index of Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) from a Coastal Drifting Gillnet Fishery in the Southern Waters of Indonesia

Autor: Abdul Basith, Muhamad Handri, Dian Novianto, Chandara Nainggolan, Sugianto Halim, Arief Efendi, Yusrizal, Syarif Syamsuddin, Bram Setyadji, Ilham, Suciadi Catur Nugroho, Yaser Krisnafi, Erick Nugraha
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Fishes, Vol 4, Iss 1, Pp 10-0 (2019)
Volume 4
Issue 1
Pages 10-0
ISSN: 2410-3888
Popis: Skipjack tuna is targeted by various types of fishing gear in coastal countries. Due to itsresilience, it has withstood heavy fishing pressure in the past few decades. Coastal drifting gillnetfleets also mark skipjack as their main target, but it is often overlooked in terms of stock assessment.This study provides new information on an abundance index based on fishery-dependent data from2010 to 2017. Generalized linear models (GLMs) were used to standardize the catch-per-unit-ofeffort(CPUE) using year, quarter, and gross tonnage as the prediction variables. Model goodnessof-fit and model selection were based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), the pseudocoefficient of determination (R2), and model diagnostics with a residual analysis. The finalestimation of the abundance index was calculated by least square means or marginal means. Theresults showed that the index was heavily influenced by the year and quarter, but it did not relateto the vessel&rsquo
s capacity. While the CPUE series fluctuated greatly, it showed a declining trend overthe years of observation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE