Demonstration of Muon-Beam Transverse Phase-Space Compression

Autor: Andreas Eggenberger, K. S. Khaw, Florian M. Piegsa, Gunther Wichmann, Andreas Knecht, Ryoto Iwai, Narongrit Ritjoho, C. Petitjean, Angela Papa, Thomas J. Phillips, N. J. Ayres, V. Bondar, Klaus Kirch, Aldo Antognini, D. Taqqu, Daniel M. Kaplan, Ivana Belosevic, Alexey Stoykov, Malte Hildebrandt
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Physical Review Letters, 125 (16)
ISSN: 0031-9007
Popis: We demonstrate efficient transverse compression of a 12.5 MeV/c muon beam stopped in a helium gas target featuring a vertical density gradient and crossed electric and magnetic fields. The muon stop distribution extending vertically over 14 mm was reduced to a 0.25 mm size (rms) within 3.5 μs. The simulation including cross sections for low-energy μ+-He elastic and charge exchange (μ+↔ muonium) collisions describes the measurements well. By combining the transverse compression stage with a previously demonstrated longitudinal compression stage, we can improve the phase space density of a μ+ beam by a factor of 1010 with 10−3 efficiency.
Physical Review Letters, 125 (16)
Databáze: OpenAIRE