Uticaj farme i sezone rođenja na telesnu masu teladi u prvoj nedelji života

Autor: Ljiljana Samolovac, Miloš Marinković, Branislav Stankovic, Ivan Cosic, Tamara Stamenic, Radmila Beskorovajni, Maja Petričević
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, Vol 36, Iss 3, Pp 297-307 (2020)
Biotechnology in animal husbandry
Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
ISSN: 2217-7140
DOI: 10.2298/bah2003297s
Popis: The body weight of calves in the earliest period of their life (age from 0 to 7 days) is under the greatest influence of the farm and the season of birth. The farm manifests its influence most often through the conditions of nutrition and housing and the organization of the technological production process, while the influence of the birth season is manifested through microclimatic and nutritional conditions, as well. The most common deficiencies related to the nutrition of newborn calves are related to: inadequate colostrum supply in terms of quality, quantity and time of colostrum intake, which is closely related to the organization of the technological production process on the farm. Dietary deficiencies affect the body weight of calves at birth and at 8 days of age. In a study conducted over a year (4 seasons), the colostrum diet of newborn calves of the HF breed on two farms (A and B) with a tied housing system was analyzed. Calves were fed colostrum on both farms at intervals, usually up to 2 hours, less often up to 4 hours after birth. The colostrum consumed came from the mother, most often, and less often from the other cow, while on one of the farms it was also used frozen. However, the amount of colostrum consumed was deficient, it was 1-2 l on farm A, and 2.5 to 3 l on farm B. The occurence of a deficient diet or other deficiencies in the diet of calves was indicated by the average body weight, measured at birth and at the age of 8 days. On farm A, a lower average body weight of calves (37.95 and 39.68 kg) was recorded than on farm B (40.00 and 41.80 kg) by age categories, respectively. The average body weight of calves was statistically significantly (p lt 0.01) influenced by the farm and the season of birth, as well as their mutual interaction, but the effect of the farm was more pronounced. Telesna masa teladi u najranijem periodu života teladi (uzrast od 0 do 7 dana) je pod najvećim uticajem farme i sezone rođenja. Farma svoj uticaj ispoljava najčešće kroz uslove ishrane i držanja i organizaciju tehnološkog procesa proizvodnje, dok se uticaj sezone rođenja ispoljava kroz mikroklimatske i uslove ishrane, takođe. Najčešći nedostaci vezani za ishranu novorođene teladi odnose se na: neadekvatno napajanje kolostrumom u smislu kvaliteta, količine i vremena uzimanja kolostruma, što je u tesnoj vezi sa organizacijom tehnološkog procesa proizodnje na farmi. Nedostaci u ishrani odražavaju se na telesnu masu teladi na rođenju i sa 8 dana života. U ispitivanju sprovedenom tokom 2013-2014 godine (4 sezone) analizirana je ishrana kolostrumom novorođenimh teladi HF rase na dve farme (A i B) sa vezanim sistemom držanja. Telad su napajana kolostrumom na obe farme u intervalu, najčešće do 2 sata, ređe do 4 sata nakon rođenja. Konzumirani kolostrum je poticao od majke, najčešće, a ređe od druge krave, dok se na jednoj od farmi koristio i zamrznut. Međutim, količina konzumiranog kolostruma bila je deficitarna, iznosila je 1-2 l na farmi A, a 2,5 do 3 l na farmi B. Na postojanje deficitarne ishrane ili drugih propusta u ishrani teladi ukazivala je prosečna telesna masa, merena na rođenju i u uzrastu od 8 dana života. Na farmi A je zabeležena manja prosečna telesna masa teladi (37,95 i 39,68kg) nego na farmi B (40,00 i 41,80kg) po starosnim kategorijama, redom. Na prosečnu telesnu masu teladi statistički veoma značajno (p lt 0,01) su uticali farma i sezona rođenja, kao i njihova međusobna interakcija, ali je efekat farme bio izraženiji.
Databáze: OpenAIRE