Cuterebra Ophthalmomyiasis

Autor: John M. Maggiano, Ben J. Glasgow
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: American journal of ophthalmology. 119(4)
ISSN: 0002-9394
Popis: We used a simple laboratory method to identify the first instar stage of a Cuterebra larva that emerged from the conjunctiva of a 14-year-old boy with ipsilateral decreased vision, subretinal hemorrhages, and linear streaks in the fundus. The maggot was removed from the conjunctiva and cleared in glycerol solutions.Light microscopy disclosed spines characteristic of Cuterebra larvae. Scanning electron microscopy is not necessary for diagnosis of Cuterebra ophthalmomyiasis even if samples are limited to the larval thorax.
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