Reorderability of node-filtered order complexes

Autor: Danielle S. Bassett, Ann Sizemore Blevins
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Physical review. E. 101(5-1)
ISSN: 2470-0053
Popis: Growing graphs describe a multitude of developing processes from maturing brains to expanding vocabularies to burgeoning public transit systems. Each of these growing processes likely adheres to proliferation rules that establish an effective order of node and connection emergence. When followed, such proliferation rules allow the system to properly develop along a predetermined trajectory. But rules are rarely followed. Here we ask what topological changes in the growing graph trajectories might occur after the specific but basic perturbation of permuting the node emergence order. Specifically, we harness applied topological methods to determine which of six growing graph models exhibit topology that is robust to randomizing node order, termed global reorderability, and robust to temporally local node swaps, termed local reorderability. We find that the six graph models fall upon a spectrum of both local and global reorderability, and furthermore we provide theoretical connections between robustness to node pair ordering and robustness to arbitrary node orderings. Finally, we discuss real-world applications of reorderability analyses and suggest possibilities for designing reorderable networks.
Databáze: OpenAIRE