Optimization of a parallel permutation testing function for the SPRINT R package

Autor: Savvas Petrou, Michal Piotrowski, Bartosz Dobrzelecki, Muriel Mewissen, Terence Sloan, Thorsten Forster
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Petrou, S, Sloan, T, Mewissen, M, Forster, T, Piotrowski, M & Dobrzelecki, B 2010, ' Optimization of a parallel permutation testing function for the SPRINT R package ', Paper presented at 19th ACM International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, Chicago, United States, 20/06/10-25/06/10 pp. 516-521 . https://doi.org/10.1145/1851476.1851551
DOI: 10.1145/1851476.1851551
Popis: The statistical language R and Bioconductor package arefavoured by many biostatisticians for processing microarraydata. The amount of data produced by these analyses hasreached the limits of many common bioinformatics computinginfrastructures. High Performance Computing (HPC)systems offer a solution to this issue. The Simple Parallel RINTerface (SPRINT) is a package that provides biostatisticianswith easy access to HPC systems and allows the additionof parallelized functions to R. This paper will presenthow we added a parallelized permutation testing functionin R using SPRINT and how this function performs on asupercomputer for executions of up to 512 processes.
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