Targeting Epilepsy Through the Foremen Ovale: How Many Helical Needles are Needed?

Autor: J. Granna, E. B. Pitt, M. E. McKay, T. J. Ball, J. S. Neimat, D. J. Englot, R. P. Naftel, E. J. Barth, R. J. Webster
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Ann Biomed Eng
Popis: Laser ablation of the hippocampus offers medically refractory epilepsy patients an alternative to invasive surgeries. Emerging commercial solutions deliver the ablator through a burr hole in the back of the head. We recently introduced a new access path through the foremen ovale, using a helical needle, which minimizes the amount of healthy brain tissue the needle must pass through on its way to the hippocampus, and also enables the needle to follow the medial axis of the hippocampus more closely. In this paper, we investigate whether helical needles should be designed and fabricated on a patient-specific basis as we had previously proposed, or whether a small collection of pre-defined needle shapes can apply across many patients. We propose a new optimization strategy to determine this needle set using patient data, and investigate the accuracy with which these needles can reach the the medial axis of the hippocampus. We find that three basic tube shapes (mirrored as necessary for left vs. right hippocampi) are all that is required, across 20 patient datasets (obtained from 10 patient CT scans), to reduce worst-case maximum error below 2 mm.
Databáze: OpenAIRE