Additional file 1 of Discovery and characterization of heterogeneous and multipotent fibroblast populations isolated from excised cleft lip tissue

Autor: Parisi, Ludovica, Rihs, Silvia, La Scala, Giorgio C., Schnyder, Isabelle, Katsaros, Christos, Degen, Martin
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.21069444.v1
Popis: Additional file 1. Fig.S1. a Clinical picture of a CLP individual and image of the corresponding excised lip tissue biopsy before processing. Written informed consent was obtained from the parents of the individual for the publication of these images. b Epithelial (E) and stromal (S) cells are isolated by the explant culture system from a CLP-tissue biopsy (T) (Live Imaging) and their appearance analyzed by CV. White dashed lines in the close-ups depict the typical cell morphology of epithelial and stromal cells. IF staining of E-CAD (red) and VIM (green) confirm the epithelial or stromal-origin of the CLP outgrowths. Scale bars: 100μm (Live Imaging); 50μm (CV); 20μm (IF). Nuclei (Blue). (c) qPCR analysis of five CLP-derived stromal cell cultures (CLP1-CLP5, gray bars) compared to the respective reference cell line set to one (colored bars) for all the cell type-specific markers. *=p
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