Field-induced diastereomers for chiral separation

Autor: Andrey Yachmenev, Jolijn Onvlee, Emil J. Zak, Alec Owens, Jochen Küpper
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Physical review letters 123(24), 243202 (2019). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.243202
DOI: 10.3204/pubdb-2019-03812
Popis: Physical review letters 123(24), 243202 (2019). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.243202
A novel approach for the state-specific enantiomeric enrichment and the spatial separation ofenantiomers is presented. Our scheme utilizes techniques from strong-field laser physics, specificallyan optical centrifuge in conjunction with a static electric field, to create a chiral field with definedhandedness. Molecular enantiomers experience unique rotational excitation dynamics and thiscan be exploited to spatially separate the enantiomers using electrostatic deflection. Notably, therotational-state-specific enantiomeric enhancement and its handedness is fully controllable. Toexplain these effects, the conceptual framework of field-induced diastereomers of a chiral molecule isintroduced and computationally demonstrated through robust quantum-mechanical simulations onthe prototypical chiral molecule propylene oxide (C$_3$H$_6$O), for which ensembles with an enantiomericexcess of up to 30 % were obtained.
Published by APS, College Park, Md.
Databáze: OpenAIRE