Publishing Linked Data on the Web: The Multilingual Dimension

Autor: Jorge Gracia, Elena Montiel-Ponsoda, Guadalupe Aguado-de-Cea, Daniel Vila-Suero, Asunción Gómez-Pérez
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Towards the Multilingual Semantic Web ISBN: 9783662435847
Towards the Multilingual Semantic Web
Publishing Linked Data on theWeb: The Multilingual Dimension | En: Towards the Multilingual Semantic Web | pag. 101-117 | Springer | 2014-12
Popis: Linked Data technologies and methods are enabling the creation of a data network where pieces of data are interconnected on the Web using machine-readable formats such as Resource Description Framework (RDF). This paradigm offers great opportunities to connect and make available knowledge in different languages. However, in order to make this vision a reality, there is a need for guidelines, techniques, and methods that allow publishers of data to overcome language and technological barriers. In this chapter, we review existing methodologies from the point of view of multilingualism and propose a series of guidelines to help publishers when publishing Linked Data in several languages.
Databáze: OpenAIRE