Spike-timing-dependent plasticity rewards synchrony rather than causality

Autor: J. Simon Wiegert, Margarita Anisimova, Thomas G. Oertner, Christine E. Gee, Marina Mikhaylova, Bas van Bommel
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: bioRxiv
ISSN: 1460-2199
Popis: Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) is a candidate mechanism for information storage in the brain, but the whole-cell recordings required for the experimental induction of STDP are typically limited to one hour. This mismatch of time scales is a long-standing weakness in synaptic theories of memory. Here we use spectrally separated optogenetic stimulation to fire precisely timed action potentials (spikes) in CA3 and CA1 pyramidal cells. Twenty minutes after optogenetic induction of STDP (oSTDP), we observed timing-dependent depression (tLTD) and timing-dependent potentiation (tLTP), depending on the sequence of spiking. As oSTDP does not require electrodes, we could also assess the strength of these paired connections three days later. At this late time point, late tLTP was observed for both causal (CA3 before CA1) and anti-causal (CA1 before CA3) timing, but not for asynchronous activity patterns (Δt = 50 ms). Blocking activity after induction of oSTDP prevented stable potentiation. Our results confirm that neurons wire together if they fire together, but suggest that synaptic depression after anti-causal activation (tLTD) is a transient phenomenon.HighlightsOptogenetic induction of spike-timing-dependent plasticity at Schaffer collateral synapsesCausal pairing induces potentiation whereas anti-causal pairing induces depression during patch-clamp recordings.Three days after optogenetic induction, the consequence of STDP is potentiation (tLTP) irrespective of spiking order.Late tLTP requires ongoing activity in the days following oSTDP.Graphical Abstract
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