Pokazatelji kvaliteta - kvalitet polutki i mesa svinja različitih genotipova

Autor: B. Zivkovic, Olga Kosovac, Čedomir Radović, T. Smiljakovic
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
ISSN: 2217-7140
DOI: 10.2298/bah0904173k
Popis: In the paper, lean meat and quality of meat from pigs of 5 different genotypes were investigated: pure Landrace breed (L), genotype A; two hybrid combinations (Large Yorkshire x Landrace) x Duroc (LY x L) x D, genotype B; (Large Yorkshire x Landrace) x Pietrain (LY x L) x P, genotype C; and tow recurrent mating combinations: (Large Yorkshire x Landrace) x Large Yorkshire (F1x LY, genotype D) and (Large Yorkshire x Landrace) x Landrace (F1 x L, genotype E). Relevant indicators of lean meat were analyzed early post mortem and by method of partial dissection on cooled left carcass sides according to recommendation of EU. By analysis of obtained results it was established that the best indicator of lean meat of pig carcass sides mass of muscle tissue in four main parts. This conclusion derives from the fact that fatteners (genotype C) which had the greatest mass of muscle tissue in four main parts (15,33kg) also had the highest lean meat share in leg, shoulder, back-loin part (BLP) and belly-rib part (BRP) (69,67%, 57,71%, 54,42% and 44,99%) and highest share of muscle tissue in carcass sides when any of the mentioned investigation methods was applied (51,23 and 60,73%) compared to fatteners of other investigated genotypes. The quality of meat was investigated by determination of its technological quality and chemical composition of the MLD. Technological quality and chemical composition of MLD meat exhibited significant (*p (lt) 0,05) differences in WBC and pigment content between genotypes B and C, as well as B and E. Average values for content of ashes and share of pigments corresponds with average values characterizing muscles of normal properties. By analysis of obtained results we can conclude that fatteners of genotype E had the highest meat yield in carcass sides, but of slightly lower quality, which indicates the need for further work on improvement of meat quality. U radu su vršena ispitivanja mesnatosti i kvaliteta mesa svinja 5 različitih genotipova, od čega jedna čista rasa landras (L) dve hibridne kombinacije: (veliki jorkšir x landras) x durok (VJ x L) x D, genotip B; (veliki jorkšir x landras) x pietren (VJ x L) x P, genotip C; i dve povratne kombinacije parenja: (veliki jorkšir x landras) x veliki jorkšir (F1x VJ, grenotip D) i (veliki jorkšir x landras) x landras (F1 x L, genotip E). Analizirani su i relevantni pokazatelji mesnatosti ocenjeni rano post mortem na liniji klanja FOM metodom i metodom parcijalne disekcije na ohlađenim levim polutkama po preporuci EU. Analizom dobijenih rezultata ustanovljeno je da je najbolji indikator mesnatosti svinjskih polutki masa mišićnog tkiva u četiri osnovna dela. Ovakav zaključak proizilazi iz činjenice zato što su tovljenici (genotip C), imali najveću masu mišićnog tkiva u četiri osnovna dela (15,33kg) i najveći udeo mišićnog tkiva u butu, plećki, LSD i TRD (69,67%, 57,71%, 54,42% i 44,99%) i najveći udeo mišićnog tkiva u polutkama pri korišćenju bilo koje od navedenih metoda ispitivanja (51,23 i 60,73%) u odnosu na tovljenike ostalih ispitivanih genotipova. Ispitivan je i kvalitet mesa određivanjem tehnološkog kvaliteta i hemijskog sastava MLD-a. Tehnološki kvalitet i hemijski sastav mesa MLD-a ispoljio je značajne (*p (lt) 0,05) razlike u SVV i sadržaju pigmenata između genotipova B i C i B i E. Prosečne vrednosti za sadržaj pepela i udeo pigmenata odgovara prosečnim vrednostima koje karakteriše mišiće normalnih svojstava. Analizom dobijenih rezultata zaključujemo da su tovljenici genotipa E imali najveći prinos mesa u polutkama no nešto umanjenog kvaliteta, što iziskuje dalji rad na poboljšanju kvaliteta mesa.
Databáze: OpenAIRE