A framework for understanding collaborative creativity in requirements engineering: Empirical validation

Autor: Martin Mahaux, Alistair Mavin, Lemai Nguyen, Luisa Mich
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: EmpiRE
Popis: Requirements engineering (RE) often needs creativity in a form where interactions among stakeholders are particularly important: collaborative creativity. However, few studies have explicitly concentrated on understanding collaborative creativity in RE, resulting in a lack of well-founded advice for practitioners on how to support this aspect of RE. Through an online survey, this paper seeks empirical validation for a framework of factors characterising collaborative creative processes in RE. Within the limits of the validity of the study, the results show support for the utility of the framework: collaborative creativity seems to be a linear function of the mean score to all factors in the framework. Factors can be grouped, and the specific impact of each group on collaboration, value and novelty can be assessed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE