The effect of the composition of the dispersing medium of oxide sols on the electrocatalytic activity of sol-gel obtained RuO2-TiO2/Ti anodes

Autor: Vladimir V. Panić, Branislav Ž. Nikolić, Slobodan K. Milonjić, Dejan Mitrovic, Radoslav Atanasoski, Aleksandar Dekanski
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, Vol 66, Iss 11-12, Pp 847-857 (2001)
Popis: The influence of the addition of methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol and 2-propanol to the dispersing medium of a mixture of RuO2 and TiO2 sols on the electrochemically active surface area for proton exchange, as well as on the electrocatalytic activity for the chlorine evolution reaction (CER) of RuO2-TiO2/Ti electrode obtained by sol-gel procedure was investigated. The electrochemically active surface area was examined by cyclic voltammetry, while the analysis of the activity for the CER was performed by polarization measurements. The stability of the obtained anode coatings was also checked by an accelerated stability test. The anode properties depend on the number of C atoms in the alcohol molecule, as well as on the elapsed time between the preparation of the sols/alcohol mixture and its application onto the titanium support. The addition of alcohol increased the activity of the anodes for the CER, compared to those prepared without the addition, but their stability was smaller. U radu je ispitivan uticaj metanola, etanola, 1-propanola i 2-propanola, dodatih u disperznu sredinu RuO2-TiO2 smeše solova, na elektrohemijski aktivnu površinu i elektrokatalitičku aktivnost za reakciju izdvajanja hlora (RIH) RuO2-TiO2/Ti elektroda dobijenih sol-gel postupkom. Elektrohemijski aktivna površina ispitivana je metodom ciklične voltametrije, dok je aktivnost za RIH ispitivana polarizacionim merenjima. Takođe je i ubrzanim testom stabilnosti ispitivana postojanost dobijenih oksidnih prevlaka. Utvrđeno je da osobine dobijenih anoda zavise od broja ugljenikovih atoma u molekulu dodatog alkohola i vremena proteklog od pripreme smeše alkohola i solova do nanošenja smeše na titanski nosač. Uočeno je da dodatak alkohola prouzrokuje povećanje aktivnosti anoda za RIH u odnosu na anode dobijene bez dodavanja alkohola. Istovremeno, anode dobijene dodavanjem alkohola su manje stabilne od anoda dobijenih bez dodavanja alkohola.
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