Single-cell and ensemble activity of lumbar intermediate and ventral horn interneurons in the spinal air-stepping cat

Autor: Alexander J Krupka, Michel A. Lemay, David Kowalski, Chantal McMahon
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of Neurophysiology
ISSN: 1522-1598
Popis: We explored the relationship between population interneuronal network activation and motor output in the adult, in vivo, air-stepping, spinal cat. By simultaneously measuring the activity of large numbers of spinal interneurons, we explored ensembles of coherently firing interneurons and their relation to motor output. In addition, the networks were analyzed in relation to their spatial distribution along the lumbar enlargement for evidence of localized groups driving particular phases of the locomotor step cycle. We simultaneously recorded hindlimb EMG activity during stepping and extracellular signals from 128 channels across two polytrodes inserted within lamina V–VII of two separate lumbar segments. Results indicated that spinal interneurons participate in one of two ensembles that are highly correlated with the flexor or the extensor muscle bursts during stepping. Interestingly, less than half of the isolated single units were significantly unimodally tuned during the step cycle whereas >97% of the single units of the ensembles were significantly correlated with muscle activity. These results show the importance of population scale analysis in neural studies of behavior as there is a much greater correlation between muscle activity and ensemble firing than between muscle activity and individual neurons. Finally, we show that there is no correlation between interneurons’ rostrocaudal locations within the lumbar enlargement and their preferred phase of firing or ensemble participation. These findings indicate that spinal interneurons of lamina V–VII encoding for different phases of the locomotor cycle are spread throughout the lumbar enlargement in the adult spinal cord. NEW & NOTEWORTHY We report on the ensemble organization of interneuronal activity in the spinal cord during locomotor movements and show that lumbar intermediate zone interneurons organize in two groups related to the two major phases of walking: stance and swing. Ensemble organization is also shown to better correlate with muscular output than single-cell activity, although ensemble membership does not appear to be somatotopically organized within the spinal cord.
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