Cytoskeleton dynamics in axon regeneration

Autor: Oriane Blanquie, Frank Bradke
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Current opinion in neurobiology 51, 60-69 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.conb.2018.02.024
ISSN: 0959-4388
Popis: Recent years have seen cytoskeleton dynamics emerging as a key player in axon regeneration. The cytoskeleton, in particular microtubules and actin, ensures the growth of neuronal processes and maintains the singular, highly polarized shape of neurons. Following injury, adult central axons are tipped by a dystrophic structure, the retraction bulb, which prevents their regeneration. Abnormal cytoskeleton dynamics are responsible for the formation of this growth-incompetent structure but pharmacologically modulating cytoskeleton dynamics of injured axons can transform this structure into a growth-competent growth cone. The cytoskeleton also drives the migration of scar-forming cells after an injury. Targeting its dynamics modifies the composition of the inhibitory environment formed by scar tissue and renders it more permissive for regenerating axons. Hence, cytoskeleton dynamics represent an appealing target to promote axon regeneration. As some of cytoskeleton-targeting drugs are used in the clinics for other purposes, they hold the promise to be used as a basis for a regenerative therapy after a spinal cord injury.
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