The choice of process parameters to obtain a stable dispersion system of plant-based bioactivated dicotyledonous seeds

Autor: L. A. Samofalova, O. V. Safronova, A. P. Simonenkova
Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Vestnik Voronežskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Inženernyh Tehnologij, Vol 0, Iss 1, Pp 221-226 (2016)
ISSN: 2310-1202
Popis: The article dealswith the search for the unification of technological approaches to increase the efficiency of separation of the protein complex and stability of the plant foundations from seed dicotyledonous economically important crops of soybean, hemp, buckwheat. Uneven localization of nitrogenous substances in the seed largely determines the accessibility of protein complexes for extraction. Natural fermentation of spare proteins in cellular structures when the germination process starts leads to the accumulation of soluble nitrogen, and the change in the salt composition of protoplasm facilitates the transition in the solution of insoluble complexes in the form of colloids. It is shown that fine grinding of dry seeds increases the efficiency of extraction by 1.3–1.6 times, while rough grinding increases bioactivity by 1.6–1.8 times. The dispersion containing 8.1±0.7% of dry matter at buckwheat bases and 9.5±1,3% at hemp and soy bases with the water ratio 1:4 to 1:7 satisfy the requirements of taste sensations and fullness of the chemical composition. Based on the results of the extraction of protein of buckwheat seeds the conclusion has been drawn that there is a need for a differentiated approach to selecting conditions for the creation of food framework. Taking into consideration the fact that the amount of calcium in buckwheat seeds is17–25 times smaller than in oil seeds and the quantity of phosphorus is 1.6–2 times smaller, the contribution of electrostatic forces in the protein solubility is small and the additional actions to activate the protein complex are required. To predict the properties of vegetable bases of bioactivated soybean seeds and hemp, the central composite uniform-rotatable planning was applied and the full factorial experiment with factorial scheme 3×3×3 (33) was selected. The preferred combination of values of the input parameters X1, X2, X3 was discovered. They provide for the maximum of Y1, Y2, Y3…: physiological phase – germination, mass fraction of soluble nitrogen in the variance of 66.5%, extraction temperature of 60oC, the dispersion of 0.5 mm. The developed technology of plant basis of bioactivating seeds of soybean cultural, and hemp are designed for the production of functional drinks.
Databáze: OpenAIRE