Surface waves and crustal structure on Mars

Autor: D. Kim, W. B. Banerdt, S. Ceylan, D. Giardini, V. Lekić, P. Lognonné, C. Beghein, É. Beucler, S. Carrasco, C. Charalambous, J. Clinton, M. Drilleau, C. Durán, M. Golombek, R. Joshi, A. Khan, B. Knapmeyer-Endrun, J. Li, R. Maguire, W. T. Pike, H. Samuel, M. Schimmel, N. C. Schmerr, S. C. Stähler, E. Stutzmann, M. Wieczorek, Z. Xu, A. Batov, E. Bozdag, N. Dahmen, P. Davis, T. Gudkova, A. Horleston, Q. Huang, T. Kawamura, S. D. King, S. M. McLennan, F. Nimmo, M. Plasman, A. C. Plesa, I. E. Stepanova, E. Weidner, G. Zenhäusern, I. J. Daubar, B. Fernando, R. F. Garcia, L. V. Posiolova, M. P. Panning
Přispěvatelé: ETH Zurich, NASA Astrobiology Institute (US), Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France), UK Space Agency, California Institute of Technology, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (US)
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Science, 378 (6618)
Kim, D, Banerdt, W B, Ceylan, S, Horleston, A C, Giardini, D, et, A & Lekić, V 2022, ' Surface Waves and Crustal Structure on Mars ', Science, vol. 378, no. 6618, pp. 417-421 .
ISSN: 1095-9203
Popis: We detected surface waves from two meteorite impacts on Mars. By measuring group velocity dispersion along the impact-lander path, we obtained a direct constraint on crustal structure away from the InSight lander. The crust north of the equatorial dichotomy had a shear wave velocity of approximately 3.2 kilometers per second in the 5- to 30-kilometer depth range, with little depth variation. This implies a higher crustal density than inferred beneath the lander, suggesting either compositional differences or reduced porosity in the volcanic areas traversed by the surface waves. The lower velocities and the crustal layering observed beneath the landing site down to a 10-kilometer depth are not a global feature. Structural variations revealed by surface waves hold implications for models of the formation and thickness of the martian crust.
D.K., S.C., D.G., J.C., C.D., A. K., S.C.S., N.D., and G.Z. were supported by the ETH+ funding scheme (ETH+02 19-1: “Planet Mars”). Marsquake Service operations at ETH Zürich were supported by ETH Research grant ETH-06 17-02. N.C.S. and V.L. were supported by NASA PSP grant no. 80NSSC18K1628. Q.H. and E.B. are funded by NASA grant 80NSSC18K1680. C.B. and J.L. were supported by NASA InSight PSP grant no. 80NSSC18K1679. S.D.K. was supported by NASA InSight PSP grant no. 80NSSC18K1623. P.L., E.B., M.D., H.S., E.S., M.W., Z.X., T.W., M.P., R.F.G. were supported by CNES and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-19-CE31-0008-08 MAGIS) for SEIS operation and SEIS Science analysis. A.H., C.C. and W.T.P. were supported by the UKSA under grant nos. ST/R002096/1, ST/ W002523/1 and ST/V00638X/1. Numerical computations of McMC Approach 2 were performed on the S-CAPAD/DANTE platform (IPGP, France) and using the HPC resources of IDRIS under the allocation A0110413017 made by GENCI. A.H. was supported by the UKSA under grant nos. ST/R002096/1 and ST/W002523/1. F.N. was supported by InSight PSP 80NSSC18K1627. I.J.D. was supported by NASA InSight PSP grant no. 80NSSC20K0971. L.V.P. was funded by NASANNN12AA01C with subcontract JPL-1515835. The research was carried out in part by W.B.B., M.G. and M.P.P. at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004)
Databáze: OpenAIRE