The investigation of suitability of raw milk consumption from vending machines in Croatia

Autor: Iva Horvat Kesić, Vesna Dobranić, Nataša Mikulec, Neven Antunac, Biljana Radeljević, Mateja Krga, Nevijo Zdolec, Šimun Zamberlin, Dijana Plavljanić, Jasminka Špoljarić
Jazyk: bulharština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Journal of Central European Agriculture, Vol 20, Iss 4, Pp 1076-1088 (2019)
Journal of Central European Agriculture
Volume 20
Issue 4
ISSN: 1332-9049
Popis: The consumption of raw milk from vending machine in Croatia has increased in recent years. However, its health safety is insufficiently investigated and controlled. The objective of this study was to investigate the suitability of raw milk consumption, from 28 vending machines from 3 counties in Croatia during one-year research period, based on the physicochemical and hygiene quality. Also, the simulation of psychrothrophic bacteria growth has been conducted in order to determine its optimal storage time because of their unfavorable effect on the milk quality. The physicochemical composition of milk samples (n=320) was determined by the infrared spectrometry (chemical composition) and cryoscopic method (freezing point), while hygiene quality was estimated with a total bacterial count (TBC) and a somatic cell count (SCC). Microbiological analyses included determining the presence of Enterococcus spp., Pseudomonas spp. and the pathogenic species. Satisfactory quality of raw milk was established in 95% (chemical quality) and 70% unadulterated samples (without added water). The prescribed hygiene quality was met by 36.6% (TBC) and 71.9% (SCC) samples. Of total 320 samples, the presence of bacteria in genus Enterococcus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. was confirmed in 93.4% and 96.9% samples, respectively, and bacteria Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Lysteria monocytogenes was confirmed in 32.2%, 27.5% and 3.8% samples. The finding of Salmonella spp. and Yersinia enterocolitica was negative. At the end of the study improvement of the microbiological quality of raw milk from vending machines was established. The results indicate the need for systematic control and obligate thermal treatment of raw milk before consumption.
Konzumacija sirovog mlijeka iz mljekomata u Republici Hrvatskoj posljednjih godina je povećana. Međutim, njegova zdravstvena sigurnost nije dovoljno istražena i kontrolirana. Cilj rada bio je istražiti prikladnost konzumacije sirovog mlijeka iz 28 mljekomata, tijekom jednogodišnjeg razdoblja u 3 županije u RH, na osnovu njegove fizikalno-kemijske i higijenske kvalitete. Također, provedena je simulacija rasta psihrotrofnih bakterija, u cilju određivanja optimalnog vremena pohrane zbog njihovog nepovoljnog utjecaja na kvalitetu mlijeka. Metodama infracrvene spektrometrije i krioskopije, uzorcima sirovog mlijeka (n=320) određen je fizikalno-kemijski sastav, dok je higijenska kvaliteta određena ukupnim brojem bakterija (TBC) i brojem somatskih stanica (SCC). Mikrobiološke analize uključivale su određivanje prisutnosti Enterococcus spp., Pseudomonas spp. te patogenih vrsta. Zadovoljavajuća kvaliteta sirovog mlijeka utvrđena je u 95% (kemijska kvaliteta) i 70% nepatvorenih uzoraka (bez dodane vode). Propisanoj higijenskoj kvaliteti udovoljilo je 36,6% (TBC) i 71,9% (SCC) uzoraka. Prisustvo bakterija iz roda Pseudomonas spp. utvrđena je u 93,4% odnosno 96,9% uzoraka, a bakterija Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Lysteria monocytogenes u 32,2%, 27,5% odnosno 3,8% uzoraka. Nalaz Salmonella spp. i Yersinia enterocolitica bio je negativan. Na kraju istraživanja utvrđeno je poboljšanje mikrobiološke kvalitete sirovog mlijeka iz mljekomata. Rezultati ukazuju na potrebu sustavne kontrole te obveznu termičku obradu sirovog mlijeka iz mljekomata prije konzumacije.
Databáze: OpenAIRE