Ruptured rudimentary horn pregnancy at sixteen weeks

Autor: Myrvete Paçarada, Fehmi Zeqiri, Gyltene Kongjeli, Burim Krasniqi, Vlora Zeqiri, Niltene Kongjeli
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Journal of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association, Vol 11, Iss 03, Pp 165-167 (2010)
ISSN: 1309-0380
Popis: Pregnancy in a non-communicating rudimentary horn is very difficult to diagnose before it ruptures, leading to life -threatening intraperitoneal hemorrhage. A 22-year-old second gravida patient presented at the Emergency Center of the University Clinical Center of Kosova with a 16-week history of amenorrhea and acute onset of severe abdominal pain. She was resuscitated and taken for an emergency laparotomy under general anesthesia. Intraoperatively, there was a massive hemoperitoneum with a ruptured right rudimentary horn Given their rarity, ruptured rudimentary horn pregnancies are of interest.Rudimenter boynuz gebeliğini genellikle rüptüre olup da hayatı tehtid eden hemorajilere neden olmadıkça tanımak oldukça güçtür. Yirmiki yaşında ve 16 haftalık amenoresi olan hasta Kosova Univeristesi acil servisine akut batın yakınmaları ile müracaat etti. Resusite edilip genel anestezi ile laparotomi uygulandı. İntraoperatif masif hemoperitoneum ve rüpütre boynuz gebeliği izlendi.
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