The countries they know best: how national principals influence European commissioners and their cabinets

Autor: Renke Deckarm
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Journal of European Public Policy. 24:447-466
ISSN: 1466-4429
Popis: This article analyses the composition of European commissioners’ private offices (cabinets) in order to explain their intended behaviour when deciding between serving European or member states’ interests. The article conceptualizes the relationship between the home country and the commissioner as a principal–agent relationship. It also accounts for contextual impacts on cabinet composition. This article analyses the biographical information of 1,343 members of 149 individual cabinets, as well as data from 11 expert interviews. It finds that both the relationship to the home country and the context in which a commissioner works affect her cabinet composition. Surprisingly, member states’ selection efforts do not have the intended effects. The Commission is neither completely independent nor a member state agent. The growing importance of supranational actors and a more regulated context can impede individual commissioners from serving the interest of the ‘country they know best’.
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