Catecholamine concentration in rat liver after high level transection of the spinal cord

Autor: Anna Angelova, Kalina I. Vaptzarova, Galina Dimova-Apostolova
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Life Sciences. 64:2375-2381
ISSN: 0024-3205
Popis: The high level transection of the spinal cord (C-7) provokes a sustained increase of rat liver catecholamines: biphasic increase in norepinephrine level 1 hour and 24 hour after the operation and 7-fold increase of dopamine content 4 hour after the chordotomy. In contrast to cervical transection, sham operation causes only an initial catecholamine increase, the maximum being at the first hour after the surgery. Our experimental data indicate a possible participation of cervical spinal pathways in regulation of liver catecholamine content. It is also shown that bilateral adrenalectomy augments liver norepinephrine concentration in spinal rats as compared to the non-adrenalectomized ones. The results presented here indicate that cervical chordotomy affects the functioning of the sympatho-adrenal system, thus provoking specific changes in liver catecholamine content. The potential effect of such changes on a liver metabolic system (tyrosine aminotransferase induction) is discussed.
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