Quality Factors of Commercial Snail Fillets as Affected by Species

Autor: Efkarpia Kougiagka, Chrysoula Apostologamvrou, Persephoni Giannouli, Marianthi Hatziioannou
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Food Technology and Biotechnology
Volume 60
Issue 3
ISSN: 1334-2606
Popis: Research background. This study fulfils a need for investigation of a quality profile of snail fillets. Edible snails are a famous food product consumed worldwide and treated as delicacy. Nutritional value, colour and textural properties, such as hardness, are critical factors that impact consumer acceptance of the product. Hardness of snail meat is affected by its native original microstructure. Experimental approach. Fresh snails of the farmed species Cornu aspersum maximum, wild and farmed Cornu aspersum aspersum and wild Helix lucorum were used in order to investigate the qualitative profile of snail meat. Proximate composition, hardness and colour measurements were conducted on fillets of all species. The histological structure of the fillets of Cornu aspersum maximum was examined. Results and conclusions. Quality parameters of snail fillets were studied. A novel method of hardness analysis was proposed where the cylindrical part of snail fillets from the mid-posterior region with specific geometry 6 mm diameter and 6 mm height was used. The suitability of the mid-posterior region was enhanced by the uniform structure confirmed by the histological analysis. Helix lucorum snail fillet had the highest energy content and the highest hardness but the lowest carbohydrate content. The species Cornu aspersum maximum was evaluated with the highest values of a* (redness), b* (yellowness) and C* (chroma) compared to other species. Parameter L* (lightness) of wild snail fillets was lower than of the farmed ones due to age, diet, farming or environmental conditions, but it could also be related to snail carbohydrate content. Novelty and scientific contribution. This study yielded notable results on qualitative characteristics of snail fillets as food and important information is given on its meat properties. Furthermore, a novel methodology of hardness is provided in order to minimize natural, breeding and environmental influences. Finally, the research outcomes could lead to proper handling methods for further fabrication of snail meat.
Pozadina istraživanja. Ovaj rad dopunjava istraživanje o kakvoći fileta puževa. Jestivi su puževi poznati prehrambeni proizvod širom svijeta i smatraju se delikatesom. Hranjiva vrijednost, boja i teksturalna svojstva, poput tvrdoće, bitni su čimbenici koji utječu na prihvatljivost proizvoda. Prirodna mikrostruktura utječe na čvrstoću mesa puževa. Eksperimentalni pristup. Za ispitivanje kakvoće mesa korišteni su svježi uzorci uzgojene vrste puža Cornu aspersum maximum, divlje i uzgojene vrste Cornu aspersum aspersum i divlje vrste Helix lucorum. Ispitani su kemijski sastav, tvrdoća i boja svih uzoraka puževa, te struktura tkiva fileta vrste Cornu aspersum maximum. Rezultati i zaključci. Ispitana je kakvoća fileta puževa i predložena nova metoda analize tvrdoće na cilindričnim uzorcima izrezanim iz sredine stražnjeg dijela fileta, promjera 6 mm i visine 6 mm. Histološka je analiza potvrdila da je taj dio fileta najprikladniji za analizu zbog svoje ujednačene strukture. Fileti vrste Helix lucorum imali su najveću energetsku vrijednost i tvrdoću, a najmanji udjel ugljikohidrata. Uzorci vrste Cornu aspersum maximum imali su najveće vrijednosti boje a* (crvena komponenta), b* (žuta komponenta) i C* (intenzitet obojenja). Vrijednost svjetloće L* uzoraka fileta divljih puževa bila je manja od one uzgojenih zbog starosti, prehrane te uvjeta uzgoja i okoliša, ali vjerojatno i zbog manjeg udjela ugljikohidrata. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. U ovom su radu izneseni važni rezultati ispitivanja kakvoće fileta puževa i dane bitne informacije o svojstvima mesa. Osim toga, prikazana je nova metoda analize tvrdoće, koja smanjuje utjecaj uzgoja i okoliša na rezultate ispitivanja. Rezultati istraživanja mogu pridonijeti pravilnom rukovanju pri uzgoju puževa.
Databáze: OpenAIRE