Nucleic acid changes in rat nerve tissue after parenteral administration of vitamin B12

Autor: William F. Alexander, B. Backlar
Rok vydání: 1951
Zdroj: Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 78(1)
ISSN: 0037-9727
Popis: SummaryThese preliminary results support the contention that vit. B12 is related to the genesis of ribonucleoproteins in rat tissues. Weanling and immature rats were placed in 2 dietary groups, chow and basal, the latter dietary group deficient in vit. B12, folic acid and PABA. One-half of each group received parenteral B12 every other day. Liver, spinal cord and cervical sympathetic ganglia were examined histologically for changes in pentose and desoxypentose nucleic acids. These 3 tissues from animals which received vit. B12 showed more PNA than the controls. No consistent observable difference was seen in spinal cord and cervical sympathetic ganglia for the DNA as visualized by the Feulgen stain. There was a slight increase in the intensity of the Feulgen stain in hepatic cell nuclei from rats which had received vit. B12 over the controls.
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