Modular Lead-Bismuth Fast Reactors in Nuclear Power

Autor: Vladimir Petrochenko, Georgy Toshinsky
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Sustainability; Volume 4; Issue 9; Pages: 2293-2316
Sustainability, Vol 4, Iss 9, Pp 2293-2316 (2012)
ISSN: 2071-1050
DOI: 10.3390/su4092293
Popis: On the basis of the unique experience of operating reactors with heavy liquid metal coolant–eutectic lead-bismuth alloy in nuclear submarines, the concept of modular small fast reactors SVBR-100 for civilian nuclear power has been developed and validated. The features of this innovative technology are as follows: a monoblock (integral) design of the reactor with fast neutron spectrum, which can operate using different types of fuel in various fuel cycles including MOX fuel in a self-providing mode. The reactor is distinct in that it has a high level of self-protection and passive safety, it is factory manufactured and the assembled reactor can be transported by railway. Multipurpose application of the reactor is presumed, primarily, it can be used for regional power to produce electricity, heat and for water desalination. The Project is being realized within the framework of state-private partnership with joint venture OJSC “AKME-Engineering” established on a parity basis by the State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom” and the Limited Liability Company “EuroSibEnergo”.
Databáze: OpenAIRE