Optatus stockwelli Prena 2023, new species

Autor: Prena, Jens
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7663618
Popis: Optatus stockwelli Prena, new species (Figs. 4, 17) http://zoobank.org/ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: B1C178D3-666A-40EF-AAA0-225DFD0C6AA4 Diagnosis. Optatus stockwelli might be mistaken for an abraded O. fasciculosus. These two species have coarsely vermiculate pronotal interstices, a narrow prosternal canal, more or less fasciculate vestiture, and a sexually dimorphic rostrum (male with dorsomedian carina and toothed submentum). Optatus stockwelli is proportiately wider than O. fasciculosus and has sparse dorsal vestiture. Description. Habitus as in Fig. 4; integument blackish brown, vestiture of appressed, reddish beige setae fasciculate and confined to depressions, interspaces and great parts of pronotum and elytron glabrous; rostrum slightly corrugated ventrolaterally, male submentum with blunt denticle (Fig. 17), antenna inserted slightly before middle, club spindle-shaped; pronotum wider than long, bell-shaped, with greatest width at base, punctation distinct and confluent except on smooth dorsomedian line, with interspaces forming broad, oblique ridges; prosternum with notosternal suture in basal fourth, procoxae subcontiguous, canal about one half as wide as diameter of procoxa, with increasingly distinct lateral carina toward front; metaventrite subtly protruding beyond apex of mesocoxa; elytra as wide as long, interstria 9 with complete and interstriae 7 and 8 with incomplete median ridges; all femora with acute ventral tooth; male protarsus fringed with long, gold-colored setae and with tarsites 1 and 2 laterally expanded, all legs with tarsite 2 flat; claws subconnate basally; total length 8.7–9.5 mm, standard length 8.5–9.3 mm. Distribution. The species is known only from the vicinity of Panama City. So far, this is the most southern occurrence of the genus. Life history. Specimens were found on an Annona fruit lying on the ground (label data and H. Stockwell, personal information). Another specimen was collected from Fridericia patellifera, a climbing Bignoniaceae (label data). Since O. fasciculosus (G. Corrales, label data) and O. palmaris (Castañeda-Vildózola et al. 2009, 2020; Maldonado et al. 2014) develop in Annona fruits, the observed occurrence on bignonias might have been incidental. Etymology. I am pleased to name this species after Henry P. Stockwell, long-standing entomological collaborator at STRI. Henry shared his regional knowledge, entomological expertise, specimens, time, and unparalleled kindness with many visiting entomologists. Material examined. Holotype female, Panamá, labeled “ Madden Forest,/ Panama, C. Z.,/ August 2, 1970 / H. & A. Howden ” (CMNC). Paratypes 3: Panamá, Canal Zone, Madden Forest, 9° 05′ N 79° 37′ W, 2.viii.1970, A. Howden, STOCKWELL STRI-ENT 0 078 409, male (STRI); Panamá, Canal Zone, Madden Forest, mi. 2.5, 9° 05′ N 79° 37′ W, 7.viii.1970, H. Howden, on Annona, male (JPPC); Panamá Pr., Parque Natural Metropolitano, 13.v.1995, F. Ødegaard, on Arrabidaea patellifera [= Fridericia patellifera, Bignoniaceae]), female (NTNU).
Published as part of Prena, Jens, 2023, Two new species of Optatus Pascoe and Macroptatus Heller (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Baridinae), with a reappraisal of generic characters, pp. 377-386 in Zootaxa 5244 (4) on pages 378-379, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5244.4.4, http://zenodo.org/record/7663616
{"references":["Castaneda-Vildozola, A., Nava-Diaz, C., Hernandez-Fuentes, L. M., Valdez-Carrasco, J. & Colunga-Trevino, B. (2009) New host record and geographical distribution of Optatus palmaris Pascoe 1889 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Mexico. Acta Zoologica Mexicana, Nueva Serie, 25 (3), 663 - 666. https: // doi. org / 10.21829 / azm. 2009.253669","Castaneda-Vildozola, A., Morales-Trujillo, M. C., Franco-Mora, O., Valdez-Carrasco, J. & Mejia-Carranza, J. (2020) Un nuevo registro de Optatus palmaris Pascoe (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) asociado con Annona L. (Annonaceae) en el Estado de Mexico, Mexico. Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 46 (3), 397 - 400. https: // doi. org / 10.35249 / rche.","Maldonado, E., Hernandez-F., L. M., Luna-E., G., Gomez-A., J. R., Flores-C., R. J. & Orozco-Santos, M. (2014) Bioecology of Optatus palmaris Pascoe (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Annona muricata L. The Southwestern Entomologist, 39 (4), 773 - 782. https: // doi. org / 10.3958 / 059.039.0408"]}
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