Strategic Industrial Business Contemplations and Prospective Marketing Approaches of Government in Controlling and Managing the Businesses of Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs): An Indian Perspective

Autor: Parsoya, Shubham, Perwej, Asif
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
ISSN: 2278-487X
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4742706
Popis: The prosperity of a country depends directly on the development of agriculture and industry. For adequate agricultural production, many types of other facilities are required such as operating power, transport, energy generation, and many types of other facilities. Whereas for industrial production and development not only machinery and equipment but also skilled manpower, management, energy, etc. facilities are needed. All these facilities and services are collectively called infrastructure. India has both commercials as well as non-commercial sources of energy. Our Indian government is also engaged in the discovery of various types of unconventional sources of energy to give extra support to the development of country India. Consumption of petroleum products in India in 1973 was about 240 million tonnes, which increased to 1382 lakh tonnes in the year 2009-2010. Crude oil production in India is only about 335 million tonnes, whereas the consumption of crude oil in India is at a much higher level than its actual production in country India. Due to this, in 2008-2009, India had imported 138 million tonnes of crude oil from outside, which went on steadily increase over time. As a result of this, foreign exchange is going outflow against the import of crude oil in India. Keywords: Energy, petroleum, diesel, fuel, agriculture, promotions, infrastructure, prosperity, transport, power, development
World Record Attempt, THICKEST BOOK IN THE WORLD, Latest Innovation for Future Education, LIFE- 2021, The Record book "Latest Innovation for Future Education" (LIFE–2021) THICKEST BOOK IN THE WORLD is recognized by WORLD BOOK OF RECORDS.
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