Additional file 1 of Polycomb contraction differentially regulates terminal human hematopoietic differentiation programs

Autor: Lorzadeh, A., Hammond, C., Wang, F., Knapp, D. J. H. F., Wong, J. CH., Zhu, J. Y. A., Cao, Q., Heravi-Moussavi, A., Carles, A., Wong, M., Sharafian, Z., Steif, J., Moksa, M., Bilenky, M., Lavoie, P. M., Eaves, C. J., Hirst, M.
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.19759434.v1
Popis: Additional file 1: Fig. S1 to 8. Fig S1 - Sorting strategy for hematopoietic populations profiled in this study. Fig S2 - Progenitor populations possess unique expression profiles. Fig S3 - H3K27me3 promoter density signatures are conserved across progenitor populations. Fig S4 - H3K27me3 LOCKs lost during myeloid differentiation are associated with LADs in CD34+ progenitor cells. Fig S5 - BMI1 loss reduces genome-wide levels of H3K27me3. Fig S6 - Enhancers dynamics in erythroid precursor, monocyte and differentiated lymphoid cells. Fig S7 - Lineage-specific enhancers are marked by H3K27ac in hematopoietic progenitor subsets. Fig S8 - Lineage specific enhancers harbor lineage specific TF binding site are marked with H3K27ac in progenitor population.
Databáze: OpenAIRE