The stability and potency of vaccines prepared from inactivated foot-and-mouth disease virus concentrates

Autor: T.R. Doel, Deborah J. David
Rok vydání: 1984
Zdroj: Journal of biological standardization. 12(3)
ISSN: 0092-1157
Popis: The stability of 146S particles in concentrates of foot-and-mouth disease virus stored at 4 degrees C was similar to that of 146S particles in a conventional virus preparation. Proteolytic degradation of VPl was not observed in the stored conventional virus preparation or inhibitor-supplemented concentrate but was observed in a supplement-free concentrate. The potencies of vaccines made from the conventional and concentrated preparations and stored in parallel at 4 degrees C appeared to decrease after 16 weeks. The vaccines made from the supplement-free concentrate and the Trasylol supplemented concentrate appeared to be at least as potent as the conventional vaccine and were clearly superior to vaccine made from ox serum supplemented concentrate.
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