On-line trajectory modifications of planar, goal-directed arm movements

Autor: Evert-Jan Nijhof
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Human Movement Science. 22:13-36
ISSN: 0167-9457
DOI: 10.1016/s0167-9457(02)00140-9
Popis: Sometimes a goal-directed arm movement has to be modified en route due to an unforeseen perturbation such as a target displacement or a hand displacement by an external force. In this paper several aspects of that modification process are addressed. Subjects had to perform a point-to-point movement task on a computer screen using a mouse-coupled pointer as the representation of the hand position. Trajectory modifications were imposed by unexpectedly changing the position of the target or by changing the relation between mouse and screen pointer. In the first series of experiments, we examined how often a trajectory is updated. Here, trajectory modifications were imposed by unexpectedly changing the normal relation between mouse and pointer to a shear-like relation, where a percentage of the forward/backward position of the hand was added to the pointer position in the left/right direction. Withdrawal of visual feedback during the movement revealed that trajectories were updated at interval times shorter than 200 ms. From the similarity with experiments where the original relation between mouse and pointer was restored during the movements, we conclude that motor plans are updated on-line to move the hand from its current perceived position to the target. In a second series of experiments, we studied whether a continuous change in target position yields similar trajectory modifications as a continuous hand displacement. To mimic the latter perturbation, we used the above-mentioned distortion of the mouse-pointer relation. We found that the resulting hand paths did not differ for the two visual perturbations and conclude that the perturbed, goal-directed movements are modified in a consistent way, irrespective of whether the position of the target or hand was perturbed. Simulations of the experimental data with a kinematic reaching model support this conclusion.
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