Effets comparés de rations à base des variétés de maïs « ESPOIR » et de maïs « SR21 » sur la productivité du poulet de chair de souche cobb-500

Autor: I Salissou, O.C. Hien, L Ouattara, J.D. Hancock, B Diarra, A Ouedraogo
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences; Vol 12, No 4 (2018); 1557-1570
ISSN: 1997-342X
DOI: 10.4314/ijbcs.v12i4.4
Popis: Le Burkina Faso, pays a vocation agropastorale, accorde une grande importance a l’aviculture, confrontee a plusieurs difficultes notamment celle liee a l’alimentation ; le mais constitue la composante essentielle les rations alimentaires destinees a la volaille, Cette etude avait pour but d’apprehender les effets de l’incorporation de varietes de mais plus riches en proteines que le mais tout venant sur les performances zootechniques du poulet de chair. Pour ce faire, deux rations contenant la variete de mais Espoir (ESPOIR) et la variete de mais blanc (SR21) ont ete comparees a une troisieme qui etait un aliment commercial contenant du mais tout venant (CPAVI). 207 poussins d’un jour de poids moyen 41,8 g, de souche Cobb-500 ont ete repartis de facon aleatoire en 9 lots de 23 poulets chacun. Les resultats ont montre que l’effet variete de mais n’a pas ete significatif sur la consommation alimentaire, l’IC, le GMQ et le rendement carcasse. Par contre les PVM des poulets sous traitements ESPOIR et SR21 etaient similaires mais tous deux superieurs a celui des sujets sur CPAVI au 42 e jour : 1743,8 ± 248 et 1721,3 ± 250,2 contre 1610,3 ± 244,9 g respectivement. En dehors du rendement en patte, les organes etaient plus lourds avec CPAVI. Sur le plan economique, des benefices de 484 f CFA, 345 f CFA et 281 f CFA ont ete obtenues sur les traitements SR21, ESPOIR et CPAVI respectivement. Par consequent, les deux varietes « SR21 » et « ESPOIR » sont meilleures que le mais tout venant dans l’alimentation des poulets de chair. © 2018 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved. Mots cles: Mais, ESPOIR, SR21, proteines, cobb-500, Burkina Faso English Title: Comparative effects of rations based on "ESPOIR" and "SR21" corn varieties on the productivity of the cobb-500 broiler English Abstract Burkina Faso, a country with an agro-pastoral vocation, attaches great importance to poultry farming, faced with several difficulties, particularly those related to food; maize is the essential component of food rations for poultry. The aim of this study was to understand the effects of incorporating more rich protein maize varieties than corn on the zootechnical performance of broiler chickens. For this purpose, two rations containing the “ESPOIR” variety of maize and the white maize variety “SR21” were compared to a third which was a commercial feed (CPAVI) containing all coming maize. 207 one-day old chicks weighing 41.8 g, of Cobb-500 strain were randomly distributed in 9 lots of 23 chickens each. The results showed that the variety effect of maize was not significant on food consumption, IC, GMQ and carcass yield. On the other hand, average live weight of the chickens on treatments ESPOIR and SR21 were similar but both were higher than those of the subjects on CPAVI at day 42: 1743.8 ± 248 and 1721.3 ± 250.2 against 1610.3 ± 244.9 g respectively. Apart from the paw yield, the organs were heavier with CPAVI. At the economic level, profits of 484 CFA francs, 345 CFA francs and 281 CFA francs were obtained on treatments SR21, ESPOIR and CPAVI respectively. ESPOIR and SR21 corn varieties, rich in protein, offer definite economic benefits for broiler production. Therefore, the two varieties "SR21" and "ESPOIR" maize are better than maize all coming in the broiler diet. © 2018 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved. Keywords: Maize, ESPOIR, SR21, proteins, cobb-500, Burkina Faso
Databáze: OpenAIRE