TASCAを用いたCn, Nh, Fl化学実験のためのHg, Tl, PbのSiO2及びAu表面に対するオンライン化学吸着研究

Autor: Lotte Lens, Alexander Yakushev, Christoph Emanuel Düllmann, Masato Asai, Jochen Ballof, Michael Block, Helena May David, John Despotopulos, Antonio Di Nitto, Klaus Eberhardt, Julia Even, Michael Götz, Stefan Götz, Hiromitsu Haba, Laura Harkness-Brennan, Fritz Peter Heßberger, Rodi D. Herzberg, Jan Hoffmann, Annett Hübner, Egon Jäger, Daniel Judson, Jadambaa Khuyagbaatar, Birgit Kindler, Yukiko Komori, Joonas Konki, Jens Volker Kratz, Jörg Krier, Nikolaus Kurz, Mustapha Laatiaoui, Susanta Lahiri, Bettina Lommel, Moumita Maiti, Andrew K. Mistry, Christoph Mokry, Ken Moody, Yuichiro Nagame, Jon Petter Omtvedt, Philippos Papadakis, Valeria Pershina, Jörg Runke, Matthias Schädel, Paul Scharrer, Tetsuya Sato, Dawn Shaughnessy, Brigitta Schausten, Petra Thörle-Pospiech, Norbert Trautmann, Kazuaki Tsukada, Juha Uusitalo, Andrew Ward, Maciej Wegrzecki, Norbert Wiehl, Vera Yakusheva
Přispěvatelé: Research unit Nuclear & Hadron Physics, Lens, Lotte, Yakushev, Alexander, Düllmann, Christoph Emanuel, Asai, Masato, Ballof, Jochen, Block, Michael, David, Helena May, Despotopulos, John, Di Nitto, Antonio, Eberhardt, Klau, Even, Julia, Götz, Michael, Götz, Stefan, Haba, Hiromitsu, Harkness-Brennan, Laura, Heßberger, Fritz Peter, Herzberg, Rodi D., Hoffmann, Jan, Hübner, Annett, Jäger, Egon, Judson, Daniel, Khuyagbaatar, Jadambaa, Kindler, Birgit, Komori, Yukiko, Konki, Joona, Kratz, Jens Volker, Krier, Jörg, Kurz, Nikolau, Laatiaoui, Mustapha, Lahiri, Susanta, Lommel, Bettina, Maiti, Moumita, Mistry, Andrew K., Mokry, Christoph, Moody, Ken, Nagame, Yuichiro, Omtvedt, Jon Petter, Papadakis, Philippo, Pershina, Valeria, Runke, Jörg, Schädel, Matthia, Scharrer, Paul, Sato, Tetsuya, Shaughnessy, Dawn, Schausten, Brigitta, Thörle-Pospiech, Petra, Trautmann, Norbert, Tsukada, Kazuaki, Uusitalo, Juha, Ward, Andrew, Wegrzecki, Maciej, Wiehl, Norbert, Yakusheva, Vera
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Radiochimica acta, 106(12), 949-962. Walter de Gruyter GmbH
ISSN: 0033-8230
Popis: Online gas-solid adsorption studies with single atom quantities of Hg, Tl, and Pb on SiO$_{2}$ and Au surfaces were carried out using short-lived radioisotopes with half-lives in the range of 4-49 s. This is a model study to measure adsorption enthalpies of superheavy elements Cn, Nh, and Fl. The short-lived isotopes were produced and separated by the gas-filled recoil separator TASCA at GSI. The products were stopped in He gas, and flushed into gas chromatography columns made of Si detectors whose surfaces were covered by SiO$_{2}$ or Au. The short-lived Tl and Pb were successfully measured by the Si detectors with the SiO$_{2}$ surface at room temperature. On the other hand, the Hg did not adsorb on the SiO$_{2}$ surface, but adsorbed on the Au surface. The results demonstrated that the adsorption properties of short-lived Hg, Tl, and Pb could be studied with this setup, and that this method is applicable to the experiment for Cn, Nh, and Fl.
半減期4$\sim$49秒の短寿命同位体を用いて、水銀(Hg), タリウム(Tl), 鉛(Pb)の単一原子レベルでのSiO$_{2}$及びAu表面への固体吸着挙動をオンライン気相実験により調べた。超重元素Cn, Nh, Flの吸着エンタルピー測定のためのモデル実験として実施した。短寿命同位体はドイツ重イオン研究所の反跳核分離装置TASCAを用いて生成・分離した。生成核はヘリウムガス中に捕集された後、SiO$_{2}$あるいはAuで表面を覆われたSi検出器で作製されたガスクロマトグラフィーカラムへと導入した。短寿命Tl及びPb同位体は室温においてSiO$_{2}$表面に吸着し、Si検出器で測定することに成功した。一方、HgはSiO$_{2}$表面には吸着せず、Au表面に吸着した。この結果より、本実験のセットアップを用いることで短寿命Hg, Tl, Pb同位体の吸着特性を調べることができると証明され、この手法がCn, Nh, Flの実験にも適用できることが確認された。
Databáze: OpenAIRE