Geomorphological evolution of badlands based on the dynamics of palaeo-channels and their implications

Autor: Padmini Pani, S.N. Mohapatra, Vikram Ranga
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
ISSN: 0973-774X
DOI: 10.1007/s12040-015-0589-2
Popis: The badlands along the lower Chambal valley represent the worst case of water erosion in India. These badlands are believed to have developed due to neo-tectonic activities and, probably, strengthening of southwest monsoon in late Pleistocene–Holocene. Due to neo-tectonic activities, the Chambal River has undergone many changes before reaching to its present planform. This study reports palaeo-channels on the Chambal River’s right flank along its lower reaches. Salient features of the palaeo-channels and their relation to present spatial pattern of badlands are studied. These palaeo-channels have significantly influenced the development of badlands along the lower Chambal River and have given them distinct and conspicuous spatial patterns. In the light of the evidences, a modified schematic geomorphic evolution of badlands development is also proposed starting from a pre-incision scenario till the present day situation. A major modification in the proposed model is the multi-channel planform of the Chambal River before its incision.
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