Electrode hybride pour la détermination de phosphates et de polyphosphates. Application aux problèmes liés à l'environnement

Autor: Gaston Patriarche, C. R. Linders, Bernard Vincke
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 1985
Zdroj: Analytical letters, 18 (17 B
Popis: The determination of phosphates and polyphosphates has been effected using an hybrid electrode, which consists of a glucose oxydase enzymic membrane and a Solanum tuberosum tissue slice. This membrane, rich in acid phosphatase, catalyses the glucose-6-phosphate hydrolysis. This reaction is quantitatively inhibited by phosphate. Several factors involved in the electrode response, like substrate concentration, pH, ionic strength and type of buffer are discussed in detail. At a 4.10-4M glucose-6-phosphate concentration, the linear ranges of phosphates and polyphosphates are, respectively, 6.10-5M to 1,6.10-3M and 3.10-5M to 1.10-3M. The urinary phosphate contents determined by this biosensor are in good agreement with those obtained by usual spectrophotometric techniques.
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