Leave no one behind. Design inclusive motor activities in Primary Teacher Education Courses

Autor: Antioco Luigi Zurru, Ilaria Tatulli, Antonello Mura
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
Popis: The development of international policies supporting inclusive education of people with disabilities has initiated a process of social democratization, that requires specific interventions and skills of multiple professionals.The education of future preschool and primary school teachers faces the challenge of inclusion and becomes fertile soil for the promotion of cultural change in society.In this sense, this research work, starting from the experiences of planning and development of inclusive motor activities, conducted for three years in the degree course in Primary Education Sciences of an Italian university, it collects testimonies, experiences and reflections of the students concerning the learning gained in the workshops organized by the degree course and to those acquired during the observation of the different public schools where they carried out the compulsory training to become teachers.The results, collected by the qualitative analysis of data, induce different levels of reflection concerning the current schooling educational practices for teaching motor activity, the training needs of future teachers, the elaboration of specific contents and teaching methods/strategies for the preparation of spaces and tools that guarantee the full accessibility of learning for all the students.
Databáze: OpenAIRE