Development of cryogenic Ge JFETs

Autor: Murzy D. Jhabvala, R. S. Babu, D.V. Camin, R.R. Ward, N. Das, G. Pessina, R. K. Kirschman
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Popis: We report on initial development of new Ge JFETs for deep cryogenic (liquid-helium range) operation. Both p- and n-channel Ge JFETs were fabricated. Due to unsatisfactory epitaxial growth, the p-channel JFETs do not exhibit usable characteristics. The n-channel Ge JFETS have good dc characteristics at room temperature, 77 K and 4 K, although at 4 K they exhibit a threshold and steps as also observed in earlier Ge JFETs made by Texas Instruments. Noise measurements at 4 K with V ds = 1.2 V and I d = 0.3 mA give e n of 0.5-1 μV/Hz 1/2 at 1 Hz and 20-30 nV/Hz 1/2 at 10 kHz (input referred). This is considerably higher than that of the best Si JFETs operating at higher temperature or the best GaAs MESFETs operating at 4 K. However, we believe that with refinement of the design and fabrication the noise of the Ge JFETs can be reduced to a range suitable for deep cryogenic applications.
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