A Comparative Study on Soil Stabilization Techniques

Autor: Ayesha Binta Ali, Maliha Rashid, Zahin Rahman, Tamjid Talukder, Imran Ahmed Joy
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8088721
Popis: The purpose of this study was to discuss about different types of current soil stabilization strategies and to compare different types of modern stabilization techniques and ground improvements. The modification of soils in order to improve their physical characteristics is known as soil stabilization. A stable soil is one that exhibits a marked and sustained resistance to deformation under repeated or continuous load application, whether dry or wet. It is said to be stabilized when a less resilient soil is treated to increase its strength and resistance to changes in volume and moisture content. Soil stabilization can improve the bearing capacity of soils to sustain pavements and foundations by increasing the shear strength of the soil and/or controlling the shrink-swell characteristics of the soil. To manage engineering characteristics of a soil, such as moisture content, soils that provide the structural basis for roadways, construction pads, and parking lots are often chemically treated. The fundamental target of this paper was to audit the physical and substance properties of soil in various sorts of stabilization techniques. Stabilization and its impact on soil show the response instrument with added substances, impact on its solidarity, improve and keep up with soil dampness content as well as give an idea for development frameworks. Soil adjustment can be cultivated by a few strategies. In this paper, geotechnical properties of soil, the methods of soil stabilizations, and basically comparisons between various sorts of soil adjustments were shown. Each adjustment is acceptable and have some great and some awful viewpoints and one adjustment has been differentiated from another stabilization. They have been brought up from the near investigation of soil adjustments in this study. As for example, lime stabilization can be said suitable for clayey soils, preloading is a better approach for improving the ground than blasting, both dynamic compaction and vibroflotation are well-known ground improvement techniques but dynamic compaction is far more suitable than vibroflotation because it is effective for a wide range of soil types, whereas vibroflotation is only suitable for granular and non-cohesive soils.
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