Beloscyta edi SHCHERBAKOV 2022, sp. nov

Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6828248
Popis: Beloscyta edi sp. nov. A4DAA37E-3271-47F2-B7E2- 8FA036B2B71E (Fig. 1) Material. Holotype left tegmen PIN 5006 /17±, paratype fragment of thorax with basal parts of tegmina PIN 5006 /18; Yaman-Us (= Yamaan Us) [space after =] 26 km ENE of Nomgon, 110 km SE of Dalanzadgad, Ömnögovi Province, Mongolian Republic. Etymology. In honour of our friend and colleague Ed Jarzembowski, for his passion for fossil insects. Locality and horizon. Yaman-Us Formation, upper (sandstone) member, uppermost Permian (or lowermost Triassic?). Description. Tegmen 6.8 mm long (holotype), elongate (2.9:1), widest at 1/4 its length, then gradually narrowed to acute apex. Costal margin convex, deeply arched near base; precostal carina wide proximally, deflected dorsad; hypocostal carina narrow; basicostal projection (associated with hypocostal socket fixed on mesepimeral knob in repose) large, reaching low arched, obscure base of Sc; costal fracture absent; costal area wide near base, gradually tapered distally. Basal cell open (no arculus or junction of R+M with CuA); R+M and CuA parallel near base and diverge more distally; M diverging from R slightly distad of R+M–CuA divergence. R arched anteriad, simple, joining anterior margin slightly before tegmen apex, without discernible anterior branches, with slight bends probably marking their origins. M and CuA stems nearly straight. Two crossveins, r-m and m-cu, beyond 1/4 tegmen length, r-m more distal. Apical branches of CuA and M forming common posterior pecten with 8 terminations, anterior apical cells narrow, posterior apical cells wide, weak posteriormost CuA branch joining CuP. CuP weak, slightly convex; claval furrow absent. Clavus occupying 2/3 tegmen length, claval veins (Pcu and 1A) united at 4/5 clavus length, their common stalk after junction with CuP continued as ambient vein running close to margin up to near tegmen apex. Vein along commissural margin in form of flat strip densely beset with microtrichia (stripes of left and right tegmina could overlap in repose). Tegmen markedly convex, especially about midlength, except for depressed area of basal cell; main veins subcarinate, surface covered with strong rasp-like punctures (bases of setae, deepest near clavus base) and microscopic granules (microtrichia); bases of large setae along CuA and Pcu; marginal row of minute pits around tegmen apex. Tegmen dark, costal and scutellar edges margined with pale. Pronotum trapezoidal, much wider than long, surface finely tuberculate-rugulose, angles rounded, posterior margin straight, lateral margin 1.9 mm long formed by moderately wide paranotal carina, nearly straight, at about 60° to posterior margin. Paratype (probably female) x1.4 larger than holotype (probably male), judging by size of tegmen base.
Published as part of SHCHERBAKOV, DMITRY E., 2022, A peculiar new genus of Scytinopteridae (Hemiptera, Cicadomorpha) from the Permian-Triassic boundary beds of Mongolia, pp. 218-221 in Palaeoentomology 5 (3) on pages 219-220, DOI: 10.11646/palaeoentomology.5.3.2,
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