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Велев, В. 2020. Българските културни институти в чужбина – инструмент за популяри- зиране на българската култура извън страната, в контекста на европейските изме- рения. – В: Обществото на знанието и хуманизмът на ХХ век, София: За буквите–О писменехь, с. 282–292. / Velev, V. 2020. The Bulgarian cultural institutions abroad–a tool for popularizing Bulgarian culture outside the country, in the context and of European. – In: The society of knowledge and humanism of the twentieth century. Sofia: Za bukvite – O pismeneh, pp. 282–292. (Bg) The popularization of the Bulgarian culture and arts abroad is also connected with the creation and functioning of the network of foreign Bulgarian cultural institutes (BCI). They are also perceived as a center of Bulgarian culture in the country where they were discovered, as well as a place for the impoverishment of the existing Bulgarian diaspora. This article focuses on some of the processes of building BCI and traces them from their inception to the present day. The research is aimed at highlighting the best and optimal mechanisms related to the promotion of Bulgarian culture outside the country and the transformation of BCI into a tool for implementing this policy. |