Chronic Alcohol Use and Accompanying Noncommunicable Diseases

Autor: Israel Oluwasegun Ayenigbara
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Croatian Nursing Journal
Volume 4
Issue 2
ISSN: 2584-6531
DOI: 10.24141/2/4/2/8
Popis: Introduction. Heavy and chronic alcohol use connotes frequent, continuous and persistent consumption of alcoholic drinks over an extended period of time. Importantly, heavy consumption of alcohol causes many health problems to the drinker and the society at large, as over 5.1% of the global burden of morbidity and injuries are attributable to alcohol usage alone. Aim. The purpose of this study is to identify some of the noncommunicable diseases that are associated with chronic alcohol consumption through a systematic and narrative review, with detailed descriptions of the occurrences. Methods. A systematic and narrative review of literature that evaluates noncommunicable diseases associated with chronic alcohol consumption was carried out using Google, Medline and databases of major international health organizations. Keywords used as search terms were alcoholism, chronic alcohol use and heavy alcohol use; these terms were matched with occurrences and risk of noncommunicable diseases. Studies included in this review are clinical trials, meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials, and systematic and review articles. Results. The findings revealed that chronic alcohol use is either a single or joint risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, arthritis, brain malfunction, cancer (most commonly of the oropharynx, larynx, oesophagus, liver, colon, rectum or breast), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, epilepsy, heart diseases and cardiovascular diseases, immune system dysfunction, malnourishment and vitamin deficiencies, mood disorders, bipolar disorder and depression, osteoporosis and bone malformation, pancreatitis, and ulcers and gastrointestinal problems. Conclusion. These findings are background information as they revealed some of the noncommunicable diseases associated with chronic alcohol use. Hence, more and precise long-term cohort studies are necessary for a better understanding of the occurrences and epidemiology of noncommunicable diseases as a result of chronic alcohol use.
Uvod. Prekomjeran i kroničan unos alkohola predstavlja učestalo, kontinuirano i ustrajno konzumiranje alkoholnih pića tijekom dužeg razdoblja. Prekomjerna konzumacija alkohola uzrokuje brojne zdravstvene probleme pojedincu, ali i cijelome društvu, te se više od 5,1 % globalnog moraliteta i bolesti pripisuje isključivo konzumaciji alkohola. Cilj. Svrha je ovog istraživanja sustavnim pregledom literature i detaljnim opisom pojava prepoznati nezarazne bolesti koje se vežu uz kroničnu konzumaciju alkohola. Metode. Sustavni pregled literature kojim se utvrdilo koje su nezarazne bolesti povezane s konzumacijom alkohola proveden je upotrebom Googlea, Medlinea i baza podataka velikih međunarodnih zdravstvenih organizacija. Ključne riječi upotrijebljene pri pretraživanju bile su alkoholizam i kronična konzumacija alkohola. Te se pojmove povezalo s pojavama i rizikom od nezaraznih bolesti. Istraživanja uključena u ovaj pregled obuhvaćaju klinička ispitivanja, metaanalize, kontrolirana klinička ispitivanja sa slučajnim uzorkom te pregledne članke. Rezultati. Istraživanje je pokazalo da kronična konzumacija alkohola predstavlja jedan od čimbenika rizika za Alzheimerovu bolest i demenciju, artritis, nepravilnu moždanu funkciju, rak (najčešće rak ždrijela, jednjaka, jetre, debelog crijeva, rektuma i dojke), kroničnu opstruktivnu bolest pluća, dijabetes, epilepsiju, bolesti srca i kardiovaskularne bolesti, disfunkciju imunološkog sustava, pothranjenost i nedostatak vitamina, poremećaje raspoloženja, bipolarni poremećaj i depresiju, osteoporozu i deformaciju kosti, upalu gušterače te čireve i gastrointestinalne probleme. Zaključak. Ovi uvidi predstavljaju pozadinski sadržaj jer upućuju na određene nezarazne bolesti povezane s kroničnom konzumacijom alkohola, stoga je potrebno više preciznih dugoročnih kohortnih istraživanja kako bi se bolje razumjelo pojave i epidemiologiju nezaraznih bolesti koje su posljedica kronične konzumacije alkohola.
Databáze: OpenAIRE