Difference in electromyographic activity between the trapezius muscle and other neck accessory muscles under an increase in inspiratory resistive loading in the supine position

Autor: Kazuhiko Hanashiro, Akira Minei, Yutaka Kondo, Masako Noborikawa, Hiroshi Sekiguchi, Ichiro Kukita, Yuichiro Tamaki, Tatsuma Fukuda
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Respiratory physiology & neurobiology. 281
ISSN: 1569-9048
Popis: The activity of the trapezius muscle is reportedly higher than that of other neck accessory muscles under a condition of increased inspiratory pressure in the standing position. The present study aimed to compare the activity of the trapezius muscle with those of the scalene and sternocleidomastoid muscles under a condition of increased inspiratory pressure in the supine position. This study included 40 subjects, and the muscle activity was measured using surface electromyography. Regarding the results, there was a significant difference in the muscle activity between the trapezius muscle and the scalene and sternocleidomastoid muscles (p = 0.003) in both men and women. Post-hoc analysis showed significant differences between trapezius and the other muscles. Moreover, there was no difference between the scalene and sternocleidomastoid muscles (p = 0.596). The increase in the change in electromyography activity of the muscle is greater in the trapezius muscle than in other muscles when the level of inspiratory pressure increases in the supine position.
Databáze: OpenAIRE