MGEA5-14 polymorphism and type 2 diabetes in Mexico City

Autor: Paul M. McKeigue, Esteban J. Parra, Emily Cameron, Andrea Chan, Jesús Kumate, Mark D. Shriver, L. V. Simmonds, Rick A. Kittles, Adán Valladares, Miguel Cruz, Niels H. Wacher, Verónica L. Martínez-Marignac
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: American Journal of Human Biology. 19:593-596
ISSN: 1520-6300
DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.20639
Popis: A family-based study has recently reported that a variant located in intron 10 of the gene MGEA5 increases susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). We evaluated the distribution of this SNP in a sample of T2D patients (N = 271) and controls (N = 244) from Mexico City. The frequency of the T allele was higher in the cases (2.6%) than in the controls (1.8%). After adjusting for age, sex, BMI, education, and individual ancestry the odds ratio was 1.60 but the 95% confidence interval was wide and overlapped 1 (0.52–4.86, P-value : 0.404). In order to characterize the distribution of the MGEA5-14 polymorphism in the relevant parental populations, we genotyped this variant in European (and European Americans), West African, and Native American samples. The T-allele was present at a frequency of 2.3% in Spain, 4.2% in European Americans, and 13% in Western Africans, but was absent in two Native American samples from Mexico and Peru. Given the low frequency of the T-allele, further studies using large sample sizes will be required to confirm the role of this variant in T2D. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 19:593–596, 2007. © 2007Wiley-Liss, Inc.
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