Characterization and Digital Restauration of XIV-XV Centuries Written Parchments by Means of Nondestructive Techniques: Three Case Studies

Autor: M. Cursi, Maria Paola Bracciale, Anna Candida Felici, Maria Laura Santarelli, M. Perino, Lucilla Pronti
Přispěvatelé: Cursi, Marco, Pronti, L., Perino, M., Santarelli, M. L., Felici, A. C., Bracciale, M. P.
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Spectroscopy, Vol 2018 (2018)
ISSN: 2314-4939
Popis: Parchment is the primary writing medium of the majority of documents with cultural importance. Unfortunately, this material suffers of several mechanisms of degradation that affect its chemical-physical structure and the readability of text. Due to the unique and delicate character of these objects, the use of nondestructive techniques is mandatory. In this work, three partially degraded handwritten parchments dating back to the XIV-XV centuries were analyzed by means of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, µ-ATR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and reflectance and UV-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. The elemental and molecular results provided the identification of the inks, pigments, and superficial treatments. In particular, all manuscripts have been written with iron gall inks, while the capital letters have been realized with cinnabar and azurite. Furthermore, multispectral UV fluorescence imaging and multispectral VIS-NIR imaging proved to be a good approach for the digital restoration of manuscripts that suffer from the loss of inked areas or from the presence of brown spotting. Indeed, using ultraviolet radiation and collecting the images at different spectral ranges is possible to enhance the readability of the text, while by illuminating with visible light and by collecting the images at longer wavelengths, the hiding effect of brown spots can be attenuated.
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