Pharmacokinetic evaluation of a drug interaction between kaolin--pectin and clindamycin

Autor: K.S. Albert, K.A. DeSante, R.D. Welch, A.R. Disanto
Rok vydání: 1978
Zdroj: Journal of pharmaceutical sciences. 67(11)
ISSN: 0022-3549
Popis: The effect of a kaolin--pectin antidiarrheal suspension on the bioavailability of orally administered clindamycin was evaluated by model-dependent pharmacokinetic techniques. Each subject's serum clindamycin concentration--time data in the absence of the kaolin--pectin suspension were fitted to a one-compartment open model with first-order absorption and lag time. The resulting disposition parameters were used to construct individual Wagner-Nelson absorption profiles, expressed as the cumulative relative fraction of clindamycin absorbed versus time following combined antidiarrheal--antibiotic therapy. For each subject, absorption persisted to varying degrees through 14 hr. On the average, the half-time for absorption was prolonged 20-fold (from about 16 min to more than 300 min). In contrast, extrapolation of the individual time courses of relative absorption to infinity revealed that the antidiarrheal had no effect on the extent of clindamycin absorption.
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