Blood Levels of Fluorocarbon Related to Cardiac Sensitization

Autor: Linda S. Mullin, Alex Azar, J. B. Terrill, Henry J. Trochimowicz
Rok vydání: 1973
Zdroj: American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 34:102-109
ISSN: 0002-8894
DOI: 10.1080/0002889738506816
Popis: Unanesthetized beagle dogs were exposed to concentrations of fluorocarbon-11 and fluorocarbon-12 which had been reported to produce cardiac sensitization. During and after the exposure, arterial and venous blood samples were obtained for fluorocarbon analysis. The blood concentration rose rapidly during the first few minutes of the 10-minute exposure and more slowly thereafter. When the exposure was terminated, there was a rapid initial fall in the blood concentration followed by a more prolonged decline. A definite arterial-venous difference was found. Despite a tenfold difference in the inspired concentration of the two compounds, the blood concentrations associated with cardiac sensitization were similar for both agents. The average blood concentration (µg/ ml) associated with exposure to levels known to sensitize the beagle heart was: 28.6 arterial and 19.7 venous for fluorocarbon-11; and 35.3 arterial and 22.8 venous for flurocarbon-12.
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