Immunodeficiency/anaemia syndrome in a Dales pony

Autor: A. S. Blunden, Stuart D. Carter, F. Malalana, June E Swinburne, R. Papoula-Pereira, Derek C. Knottenbelt, Laura Y Fox-Clipsham
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Veterinary Record. 165:289-290
ISSN: 0042-4900
Popis: THE syndrome of anaemia and immunodeficiency was first recognised in Fell pony foals in the UK in 1997 (Scholes and others 1998) and has since been reported in the same breed in the Netherlands (Butler and others 2006) and the USA (Gardner and others 2006); there have been no reports of the syndrome in any other horse breed. Affected foals are apparently normal at birth, but the disease first manifests at two to six weeks of age; the reported characteristic clinical signs include weakness, dyspnoea, nasal discharge, poor growth, reduced appetite, diarrhoea and pale gums. A profound and progressive fall in red blood cell count (packed cell value [PCV]
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